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Доставка до адрес или офис на куриер:7 лв.Продукт | Пончо |
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Бранд | Gul |
Отпуснете се в топлина и уют след сърфиране или просто се затоплете след хладно плуване. 130см дължина от рамото до края, прибл. ширина 80см Отвори за ръцете за максимална свобода на движенията Мека, топла и абсорбираща качулка 100% памук, който може да се пере машинно Осигурява дискретно преобличане, подсушаване и затопляне преди, или след плуване и дейности на открито Не е разделено отпред, така че няма да се отвори когато е ветровито Change in comfort with the iconic Gul hooded toweling changing robe in two great designs - geometric or Aztec. Protect your modesty, dry yourself off and keep warm - hooded for extra protection from wind chill and helps dry hair quicker.Although designed for adults they can also be used by children - the smaller they are, the longer the length. Relax in comfort and warmth after your water excursions or just have it to warm up after a cool dip! Ideal also for relaxing at home after a shower or watching the TV. Length from shoulder to bottom hem 130 cm - to give an indication of overall length this comes several inches below the knee on an adult of average body to leg length of 5'9" - 5'10" tall. Measure from your shoulder down if taller to judge the length you personally need to protect your modesty. 130cms from the shoulder to hem - approx. width 80 cm Poncho style with open arms for maximum movement Soft warm and absorbing hood which also helps cut down wind chill from wet hair. 100% soft cotton machine washable velour. Provides discrete changing, absorbent and warm before or after swimming and outdoor activities Not split up the side so will not blow open if windy